Thursday, 28 February 2013

Sonnet 1

I could compare it to an open flame,
Or rather to a still-as-crystal lake,
Perhaps, though, to a beast that can't be tamed,
Or to a slumber nearing its awake,
A flower petal falling to the ground,
A storm that rages through the open sea,
The scent of sights and touching of a sound,
A flood that fills and spills all over me;
And yet, despite comparisons to spare,
I cannot find a way to phrase it right;
A feeling that is common as it's rare,
A feeling that is dark as it is light.
To put such things to words just will not do,
For no such earthly way describes them true.


  1. My goodness, that's so beautiful!
    Lovely, wonderful poem, Red!

    Hard to say, because I like so many of these lines, but I think my favorite are:

    "A storm that rages through the open sea,
    The scent of sights and touching of a sound,
    A flood that fills and spills all over me;"

    Great poem!

  2. This is really amazing and wonderful, Red!
