Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Little Lone Tree

I see you standing,
Little lone tree,
By yourself,
Do you wish to flee?

We are alike,
Little lone tree,
In the way, I too,
Wish to be an escapee.

The leaves your bear,
Little lone tree,
Are few, not many,
But they so suit thee.

I am the same,
Little lone tree,
But my leaves are friends,
And they are few, I decree!

Your body is skinny,
Little lone tree,
Which makes me wonder,
When you will be free.

My body, like yours,
Little lone tree,
Is slight, not much,
Because I always pee.

I see you hurting,
Little lone tree,
And I wish to help,
Yet I let it be.

But don’t you worry,
Little lone tree,
You’ll pull through,
Just like me.

Because, you and I,
Little lone tree,
We stand tall,
Proud as can be.

1 comment:

  1. I laughed at the pee part. Like, out loud. *claps*

    I love this poem, Sam! *hurgs*
