Sunday, 31 July 2011
A smile
A simple smile,
It raises you a grin
It makes you want to sing
A fragile smile,
A shimmering smile,
It makes your work light
It creats a mighty knight
A wolfish smile,
An interested smile,
It gets a boy his girl
It's sweeter than a pearl
A gentle smile,
A knowing smile,
It strengthens your dad
It encourages a lad
A happy smile,
A beautiful smile,
It makes your day nice
It fills your life with spice
A smile, a smile,
A simple smile
It's as sweet as a song
It makes the weak strong
Don't be afraid to smile;
Don't let the frowns hold you back
So smile on your a stroll
It might just heal a broken soul
Saturday, 30 July 2011
Black Death and the Angel of Light
Her heart was dead
Her soul was lost
She sat in shadow,
No expression on her face
She sat in a corner,
Headphones firmly in place
She listened to the music
She listened to the songs
They penetrated her mind
They infatuated her flesh,
But she didn't care;
Her heart was gone,
Her soul replaced
All that remained was red on black,
Hatred mixed despair
She trusted no one
No one cared enough for her,
To see if she was alright
She was the weirdo,
The annoying little kid
The one that sat there, day after day,
Letting the painful remarks disease her
She just didn't care anymore
Let them have their way,
Let them say what they wanted
Her heart was lost
Her soul was dead
Her mind was disappearing,
Her body was wearing away
She was useless
She was nothing but a fool
She was the girl with hollow eyes
She was just a stupid mule
A mule, to be given a job
A mule, to be beaten and hurt
A mule, souless, careless
A mule, nothing but a useless worker
That's who she was
Why did she even exist?
She took up space,
She sucked up air
She spread her black cloud
She should be gone from here!
No one cared at all
Why let her live?
She wasn't using life anyway
Might as well clean up that black mess!
Friday, 22 July 2011
Ok. I wrote another poem. But it's a bit different to what I usually write- this is what they call an abstract poem. This is my first go at this kind of thing, so I'm not sure how it turned out... And for the record- the dodgy spacing and lack of capitals/punctuation is meant to be there. So, tell me what you think. Did it work? Did it not? Should I never try abstract poetry again? Generic thoughts? You know. The usual.
Oh- and another thing. I'm sorry if it's not very accurate... I don't have much experience, so I was just trying to make it up. I'm not sure how that went. Yeah.
Anyway... I present to you...
she took a sip
eventually the whole bottle was gone
she didn’t
there was too much hurt to
she wanted anything that would make her forget
she wanted to
she wanted to be
she didn’t want to care about the
and the
but that seemed all she could do
care about the
and the
‘give me another’
she said
and the cold glass was placed in front of her
the intoxicating fluid
my relief
she thought
my cure
she thought
‘it’s over’
he’d said
‘that’s fine’
she’d said
two lies
no truth
it wasn’t over
in fact
it had
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
The Truth
I've written a new poem.
It's not great but it's almost OK.
I hope…
I know what happened,
I was there,
I saw it all,
You can't deny it,
In the shadows,
You'd not care,
But someone else did,
Me that's right.
I saw the claw,
Begin to fall,
It's sharpened point gleamed,
Then slit its throat.
A mouse was there,
An innocent mouse,
You murdered it,
You louse!
I shan't admit it,
But inside,
As I saw it killed,
Something else died,
A part of me,
The part that keeps me up,
When I'm feeling down,
That says.
Everything will be fine,
No one will be hurt,
But now the truth,
Has shattered that hope.
Us cats have always stuck together,
Now it's different,
You've changed,
And not for the better.
Sunday, 17 July 2011
Saturday, 16 July 2011
I suppose it's about time I wrote a sad poem :P
Hope you like it and you arn't too depressed by it....
I sit there in confusion
Whilst nine thousand feelings weigh upon my soul.
My hands clench in one moment,
And tremble in the next as I realize I can never climb out...
I'm falling down a never-ending black hole;
I'm forever lost in this dark void.
My heart is flooded with more than one doubt.
My body is diseased with despair.
All the ideas I once had now lay in ruins, utterly destroyed...
I don't know what to do...
I don't know how to handle this ordeal...
All that I am, all that I was..., I just cannot construe.....
The aims I had are now gone.
All dashed upon the unforgiving rocks of the seashore,
Then washed far away with the ocean's tide.
Happiness has fled from me;
Anguish consumes my being!
My logical mind deserted me long ago...
I sit alone..., always alone....
Ever falling deeper into this black pit.
Thursday, 14 July 2011
The Murderer in the Mind
Wednesday, 13 July 2011
Octa's Poem and A Magic Beyond All We Teach Here
I have permission from Quinn to post the two poems together so here they are.
Octa's Poem
Sir Octa of Ambrosius,
Here's a poem I have written,
Although it may not be the choicest.
My rhymes may feel a little off,
And the syllables aren't up to scratch,
But hey, I'm only starting out,
Please remember that.
I'll start pretty simply,
With the topic of 'Who Am I?'
I am just a little girl,
Who wants to learn to fly,
Now if we continue on,
We'll find out something more:
That you need a flying partner,
If you want to soar.
Now I'm asking oh so graciously,
If you'd do me the pleasure,
Of being the one who flies with me,
It would be such a treasure.
We could fly above the moon,
Beyond the stars and sun.
Maybe up to Pigfarts!
Oh wouldn't that be fun!
We could fly up in a rocketship,
Or an aeroplane,
To be honest I don't really mind,
To me it's all the same.
So my purple poet,
Consider my request,
'Cause flying into space with you,
Would simply be the best!
Although I must warn you,
It's not exactly legal.
But this is the price you must pay,
To fly like an eagle.
And now I'm having doubts,
As to whether you'll accept,
My rather wonderful but delusional,
High flying request.
So allow me to convince you,
With a story of what could be,
If you fly up all the way into space,
With the lovely me.
We'd land on Mars with a grin,
Give the students quite a start,
Then we'd say, "Hello there,
Have we arrived at Pigfarts?"
Once this had been confirmed,
We'd feast on Redvines galore,
And arrange a meeting,
With headmaster Rumbleroar.
Then obviously we'd be granted,
An honorary degree,
And an invitation to return,
To teach some wizardry.
A ride on the back of,
The hat and monacle wearing lion.
And then we'd return to the rocket,
Leaving as happy clients.
We could go anywhere,
To the moon or to the sun,
So please do accept my request,
It would be so much fun!
And now I end this letter,
Written out in Louisiana.
Please write back, yours sincerely,
Quinnera Elviana.
Monday, 11 July 2011
Nic-Happy Birthday
The beautiful Mriss. Croga,
Oh how I swoon,
You take advantage of me,
Eyes piercing like a harpoon.
I love you dearly,
Like a sister,
Or a rock,
Don't ever leave me, mister.
Here is a wish,
For you and me,
To meet each other,
And hug with glee.
We could be best friends,
More so than now,
Don't ever forget me,
If you do, we'll row.
Nicollete Croga,
My dear beloved,
We'll be together always,
And battle with led.
This concludes,
Your Birthday Present,
I hope you liked it,
And got what I meant.
It's not very good I know. I'm not good at rhyming, but my feelings are there. :3
~Gepard Valk