Monday, 18 June 2012

Days Away

Do you see the endless blue?
Do you feel the summer heat?
Do you think of me as much as I of you?

Do you look up to the sky,
Think of me and think of how
It's the same part of the sky we're looking at?

Are you happy that you're here?
Are you waiting, just like me,
For the precious day when we will meet again?

Because I am waiting still,
Looking up at every chance,
Just in case that you are looking up as well.

I can't believe how time flies
Months and miles between us
Now just days away...


  1. *hugs back a million times*
    Thanks so so much, Kal!
    And, yeah. Pyro is my inspiration for.. well, pretty much everything :D

  2. This is perfect! I am so excited for the two of you!!!!


    Wonderful poem!
