Friday, 23 September 2011

If I was any good

If I was any good at writing,
I would'nt waste my time fighting,
to get through a maze of words,
I would no longer look absurd,
I'd be cheered all through the streets,
Loved by all those that I'd meet,
I'd be adored, nobody'd snore,
when I'd recite a new poem,
I would write well, yes I'd show em!
What could I do, if I just knew,
how to right a piece worthwhile,
Instead of with an awkward smile,
Standing tight-lipped, fear-faced, terrified,
I'd give up and when I'd sighed,
and packed my bags, and walked away,
I'd write a story, a page a day,
So people would read my work,
Without giving a smirk,
For my work would be good,
If I could, or would or should,
then I would write a poem,
And be adored by all.

1 comment:

  1. That was really cool. I loved it. It sort of reminded me of the cat in the hat or something like that. Really fun and awesome :D
